In the latest Weekly Wright Report:
2023-24 Baltimore County Comprehensive Zoning Process Update
In early March of this year, I wrote about the comprehensive zoning process in Baltimore County which occurs only once every four years (Year 2023-2024 Comprehensive Zoning Process). The value of property can be changed significantly depending on the zoning change. This process is often referred to as the CZMP.
The open filing period with its lower filing fee ($1,000) ended September 30, 2023. No need to panic however, Baltimore County citizens are allowed to still file zoning change requests up until October 15, albeit at a higher filing fee ($1,600). The Baltimore Planning Board may also file rezoning requests during the month of October and individual County Council members may file zoning change requests for their Districts during the month of November.
The County has changed the process from past cycles in that County Planning staff will not make its recommendations until after the Planning Board public hearings, which are slated to occur in February of 2024. The Baltimore County Department of Planning will then make staff recommendations on each issue sometime in March of 2024. The Planning Board will hold work sessions in March and April and will then make its recommendations to the County Council in April of 2024.
Public hearings for the County Council are scheduled to be held in June of 2024. The Baltimore County website is an excellent resource for key dates, hearing locations and tracking each issue, whether yours or for a property in your neighborhood.
Final County Council decisions typically are made during the County Council session in either late August or early September, 2024.
Should you have any questions or have any rezoning requests that you would like filed before the October 15 deadline, please contact Neil Lanzi, at Wright, Constable & Skeen, LLP, (410) 659-1390 or