In a Special Edition of the Weekly Wright Report:
What day is it? We know you’re hanging in there and that these unprecedented times are stressful maybe even overwhelming. That’s why if you have legal questions – we have answers. Click through the links below to see how we can help. View our COVID-19 Resources Page for more information.
Loss Business Coverage Insurance: A COVID-19 Legal Battleground
Affected businesses are certainly looking for ways to maximize the money coming in to keep businesses open or viable during this extended period of uncertainty. Of course, many businesses have multiple insurance policies in their filing cabinets to call upon in a variety of situations. Here are what options you have. – read more
Consider the Collaborative Law Process During the Coronavirus Pandemic
There are many benefits to settling a family law dispute as opposed to having a judge make a decision at the conclusion of a contested trial. One of ways to achieve this is through the collaborative law process. – read more
Terp Talk:Business as (Un)Usual – Advice for Employers Responding to COVID-19
Construction and COVID-19
If you missed Building Congress & Exchange’s webinar last week, it’s available to watch online now. The webinar includes a panel of experts to help you navigate the legal, financial and business challenges of COVID-19. They discuss state and federal programs and specific COVID-19 regulations affecting the industry. – Watch now.
Make sure you’re following us on social media because we will be posting updates as necessary.