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- Are Older Workers a Better Hiring Bet? – read now
Are Older Workers a Better Hiring Bet?
I’m always fascinated by stereotypes about the work ethics of different generations. For example, it’s been said that Millennials are selfish; Generation X is skeptical; and Baby Boomers live for their jobs. Now, let’s assume for purposes of this article that the stereotypes are true. Which generation would you prefer to hire? I’d hire a Baby Boomer all day long.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the workforce growth rates of persons age 65 and older are projected to outpace those of individuals in all other age groups through 2024.
25-34 1.8%
35-44 1.0%
45-54 -0.8%
55-64 0.6%
65-74 4.5%
75+ 6.4%
Hiring experts are calling this time the “Silver Tsunami.” People are living longer, healthier lives and consequently need income. Mature workers generally bring with them experience, skills, wisdom and stability. They’re less likely to job hop for a better opportunity, relocate, or demand greater benefits.
So the next time you get a resume from someone who looks like they have too much experience, take another look. Consider the value of people who were raised by the Greatest Generation.