Maryland Auto Accidents
During the course of a lifetime, most people unfortunately become involved in an automobile accident or know of a family member or friend that was the victim of an accident.
You may have a valid negligence claim in the event you are injured as a result of an automobile accident caused by another driver who failed to exercise reasonable care. Under Maryland law, all persons driving motor vehicles have an affirmative duty to exercise reasonable care. When a driver fails to exercise reasonable care and an accident occurs, he or she has breached that duty and you, as the injured party, may be entitled to recover damages.
Your damages may include compensation for your pain and suffering and for various expenses incurred by you for treatment of your injuries, including the cost of hospital and emergency room treatment, physician visits, x-rays, MRI’s, prescription medicines, and physical therapy. You may also be entitled to compensation for wages lost due to time taken off from work to recover and for future wage losses. Fortunately, the money received from either the settlement of your claim or as a result of a judge or jury award is not considered income and is not taxable. Most personal injury lawsuits are settled by negotiation before trial.
In Maryland, you will not be able to recover damages if you are determined to be partly at fault. Most states still allow recovery even if you are partly at fault, however, Maryland totally bars a recovery in the event you are determined to be at fault in any way.
It is important to note that Maryland has a time limit for filing a personal injury lawsuit called the statute of limitations. A personal injury lawsuit must be filed within three years from the date of the automobile accident or you are forever barred from filing such a claim.
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